Ecommerce B2B

The complete sales solution for your B2B customers.

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B2B Ecommerce

Order Factory is the B2B Ecommerce for managing your customers’ orders. Allow your customers to manage their orders themselves by accessing the private area of the site.

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Product Catalog

Your customers have access to the product catalog for consultation and sending orders independently. Catalog with up to three levels of product categories, detailed product sheets with complete information and photo gallery.

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Product Reassortment

Your customers can quickly reorder previously ordered products. They have at their disposal a pre-filled list based on their last orders (information, pictures, order date, quantity, price).

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Order History

All the detailed summary of orders placed, overall and specific, for each order line is available.

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Custom Pricing and Price Lists

Possibility to manage different base lists, prices and discounts customized for individual customers.

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Excise Management

Possibility to manage Italian taxation for the sale of alcoholic beverages.

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Master Data Sheet

The customer master data sheet with all its data and various shipping addresses is available.

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Brand Management

Opportunity to browse the product catalogue by brand with dedicated pages to show all products with specific filters in product categories.

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CSV Import

In addition to the manual handling of all master data, Order Factory offers the possibility of importing and exporting all information via CSV files (Excel format).

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API Integration

Order Factory integrates with the company management and third-party billing systems via API.

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Custom Domain

By purchasing Order Factory, you activate your portal on a domain dedicated to your company: You can also make it accessible from your own fully customised domain.

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Restricted Access

The portal can only be used with secure access credentials that you can set up for each of your customers.